God will judge all wickedness.
God will judge all wickedness.
God is working in unexpected ways addressing injustice even when we don’t see it.
Gospel formed generosity is rooted in unselfishness, an eternal perspective, and trusting God rather than our money.
It is an encounter with the resurrected Lord and not the proofs of the resurrection that produce faith in us.
The suffering and death of Jesus, the Son of God, is not a tragic end but an event of divine fulfillment and revelation that leads to rescue, the forgiveness of sins, and redemption.
Jesus is the Son of God, the Suffering King.
We will value Jesus above all else when we truly see him as our suffering king.
We must be alert if we are to be ready for the return of Jesus.
When we set our eyes upon the cross, we will faithfully follow Jesus to the end no matter what persecution or difficulties we face.
We have in God a refuge and strength that dispels our fears so that we can pursue new year’s resolutions for our good and God’s glory.