While the Old Covenant helped people see their need to experience God’s glory, only the gospel, can free us to experience God’s glory and become more like Christ.
While the Old Covenant helped people see their need to experience God’s glory, only the gospel, can free us to experience God’s glory and become more like Christ.
To seek to know God intimately versus transactionaly is to echo Moses’ desire, “To see God’s glory.”
While our idols lead us to slavery and death, Christ frees us from the slavery of sin and gives us a hope that death cannot touch.
While under the Mosaic Covenant God was to be approached based on invitation, through Christ we can approach God any time.
Studying the Ten Commandments helps us to understand God’s righteousness and our need for Jesus.
God deserves our praise because there is no one like him in majesty and mercy.
Our response to “Who is God?” points us to who our God is.
God’s character precedes God’s call because God’s call is not rooted in what we have to offer but in what God offers through us.