What do the laws and instruction in the Old Testament tell us about the character of God? Especially when they seem contradictory to a loving God?
Why are there different religions and holy books in the world and how do we know the Bible is the correct one? Who authorized the Bible? How can we trust that the Bible is the inspired word of God?
True repentance is always rooted in the recognition of God’s mercy and our brokenness.
The only way to defeat our fears is to trust something greater than our fear.
Confidence in God’s sovereignty allows us to forgive when wronged.
To trust the gospel is to face the shame of our sin with confession & repentance.
The world says to pursue an extraordinary life by being known. Christ Calls us to something much more extraordinary, an ordinary life marked by faithfulness so that Christ might be known.
Wrestling with God is necessary preparation to face our challenges with humble confidence.