As Christians, we are called to and given the means to find contentment not through the changing of our circumstances but by resting in what God has done for us.
If we are followers of Christ, we do not need to be afraid of the future because while there is much that is unknown to us, we can be confident that our future is enveloped by God’s grace and reign.
In Christ we have a Savior who is with us.
Jesus stepped into our darkness as the light to bring life.
Followers of Jesus are called to glorify God with their bodies because they have been united with Christ to become a temple for the Holy Spirit.
Grievances between brothers and sisters in Christ should be settled within the church for the sake of the gospel witness.
As a church, we must lovingly confront unrepentant sin within its midst through church discipline to preserve the church’s holiness and rescue the sinner’s soul.
Pride creates division and where there is division there is pride.