While there are many things that are important to us as a church, we have five values that we passionately believe are important to us as we fulfill our mission as a church.
Gospel Centrality
We value gospel centrality because the gospel is the only means by which people are saved and the power by which people are sanctified. The truth of the gospel enables us to genuinely and joyfully do what is pleasing to God.
We value hospitality because we have been profoundly impacted by the hospitality of Christ. Jesus’ earthly ministry was marked by hospitality as he actively invited everyone to hear and experience the good news of the gospel. God has made a place at the table for us through the redemptive work of Jesus. As a result, we respond by making a place at our tables, both in and outside our homes, to welcome others.
Biblical Community:
We value biblical community because gospel change primarily happens in relationships. It enables us to be truly known by others as we help each other apply the gospel to our lives. Within biblical community, we remind each other that our value is not tied to our performance or what others think about us, but is instead formed by God’s love for us through Jesus.
We value discipleship because God is glorified as we follow and treasure Jesus together. Through discipleship we help others follow Jesus as we invest in our circles of influence and invite others to hear the gospel and joyfully follow and treasure Jesus with us.
We value generosity because we are recipients of God’s unconditional grace. Biblical generosity grows out of an acknowledgement that all we have belongs to God. We seek to be good stewards of the time, energy, and resources God has given us so that we can joyfully and sacrificially give for the building of the kingdom of God.